Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Blog #14 To dream or not to dream

In the year of 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream of everyone in America being equal within each other. This meant anyone and everyone of any gender, ethnicity, and religion to have freedom as the Constitution of the US and Declaration of Independence stated. In my perspective, King's dream has not been recognized because still today in 2014, many people are still criticized by their race, gender, religion and how they live their life. I however think that dreams are irrelevant because people dream of the things that they want to happen in reality yet they don't take action into making those dreams happen. So basically, there really isn't a point in dreaming if you aren't willing to take action and achieve it.

Blog #13 Rhetorical Analysis

     After viewing and analyzing the documentary, Crips and Bloods: Made in America, many rhetorical techniques were used in order to make the audience believe what was happening in South Central, Los Angeles. One of the techniques used was Pathos. Pathos was well used in the documentary because it allowed the audience to visualize the things that were happening during that time such as the riots, fights and the deaths caused by the gangs.
     The director chose to use pathos because it was most effective on the audience. Pathos allowed the audience to feel some type of way. For example, when the mothers were talking about how they lost their loved one to gang violence, it made the audience want to sympathize because we all know that losing a loved one is something difficult to deal with.
     The use of pathos in this documentary was definitely effective on me. I felt sorry for the mothers and those who have lost someone important to them to gang violence. Seeing the different images and clips of the gang violence made me realize how crazy gang members really are.

Blog #12 Effects of Persuasion

Out of all the commercials we watched, I liked the Budweiser one because it was the one that caught my attention the most. The reason why it caught my attention the most was because of the puppy. The puppy in the commercial was super adorable and sweet. It kept escaping to go see its friend, a horse that was on the other side in a farm. The friendship between these 2 different animals gave the commercial a warm image that caught the audiences attention because it made us all smile in a joyful way. The song used in the commercial also had a huge impact on the audience because it was a soft song that made everyone feel some type of happiness/ put us in a good mood.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Blog #11 Style Analysis

The teleplay Sorry Right Number by Stephen King exemplifies the quality of style by using syntax. This is used to show us how the character is feeling. For example, Katie says "Pol? Honey? Are you alright?" this tells us that Katie is worried about her daughters safety. King focused on this technique in order to create suspense within the audience. 

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Blog #10 Your new name

Honestly if I had the chance to change my name to something else, I wouldn't. Despite the fact that people do call me "Britney Spears" a lot, I still wouldn't want to change my name because it fits me. According to the dictionary, it says that a person with the name Britney is a generous person who helps and care for others. This is true, I noticed how I've always helped someone when they needed help. The name "Britney" defines the person I am today. I am blessed to be called "Britney" and I'm not ashamed.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Blog #9 Psycho Analysis

In Psycho, Alfred Hitchcock used cross cutting in order to show us what was happening at the same time and to put the audience at the edge of their seats. For example, Hitchcock used cross cutting when Sam and Norman were in the office talking about the money and when Lailah was inside the house searching for the mom. This allowed us to see what was happening at the same time but in different places. Cross cutting was effectively used in the movie because we saw the two different scenes at the same time creating suspense.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Blog #8 Views on Revenge

   I think the quote "It is useless to meet revenge with revenge: it will heal nothing." from the novel The Return of the King by J.R.R Tolkien is saying that there's no point in trying to get equal with someone by revenge because in the end, nothing would happen. Trying to get over a situation with someone by using revenge can only create more problems.
  I agree with this quote because there really isn't a reason to get revenge on the other person. For example if a kid were to be bullied by another person and the kid bullies the bully, the only thing that would happen is that the kid would get even more bullied by the bully and that would cause more serious problems for the kid. Revenge is not the answer to solve a problem.